viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

My greatest learning was to have known your soul...

My greatest learning was to have known your soul..

My greatest learning was
to have known your soul,
challenge will never forget,
because it was hard
traverse those labyrinths,
of love and thirst ...
The school of love,
is like learning
at to be in affection,
as it is,
the child to the flower ...
Entering that world,
to speak their alphabet,
spell their kisses,
accompany their vocal
with great care ...
to pronounce a "I love you",
after having perforated
all silences,
My greatest learning was
to have known your soul,
the same who call me
for to try to learn
with the heart,
a new lesson in love ...

Authorship:Raquel Norma Smerkin Roitman

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